Mike Hart's portmanteau website...

Mike Hart photo


This is a simple home page which serves to provide links with several more websites.

The .eu domain name has been chosen deliberately and, hopefully, I should be able to retain this but as there is a degree of uncertainty following Brexit, the domain name has not been registered in the UK...

As this a website of websites, inevitably there will be some duplication of items.

No.Items for this websiteWebsite URL
  1.Mike Hart's websiteWebsite
  2.Virtually Challenged AnecdotesAnecdotes
  3.Mike Hart's BlogBlog
  4.Wedding photos (1967 and 2017)Wedding photos
  5.Original Wedding musicmusic plus clip [No.7]
  6.Wedding Slide show + music. Activate sound
first and then click on 'Slideshow of Photos'
Slide show + music.

© Mike Hart [2014] Updated: Sunday, January 26, 2020 at 00:19 AM ]